The ImPACT IT Data Group will review the current AIS membership data and collection processes to determine what data is missing, how data will be collected and analyzed, and if changes to existing questions and answer options (such as non-binary) are needed.

Adriane Randolph, Ph.D., Data Group Chair, ImPACT IT Core Team, AIS Region 1, Director of the BrainLab and Professor of Information Systems, Department of Information Systems, Michael J. Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University

Hala Annabi, Ph.D., SIG Social Inclusion Standing Committee Chair, AIS Region 1, Associate Professor, MSIM Program Chair, Information School, University of Washington

Emma Coleman, Ph.D., D&I Standing Committee Member, AIS Region 3, Senior Lecturer, Information Systems, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Andreas Eckhardt, Ph.D., D&I Standing Committee Member, AIS Region 2, Professor of Information Systems, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Brian Fitzgerald, Ph.D., AIS Past-President, ImPACT IT Advisory Board, AIS Region 2, Director of Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, Krehbiel Chair in Innovation in Business & Technology, University of Limerick

Melissa Heeke, AIS Membership Director

Eleanor Loiacono, Ph.D., ImPACT IT Principal Investigator, AIS Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, AIS Region 1, Associate Professor, Business Analytics, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, College of William & Mary

Felix Tan, Ph.D., D&I Standing Committee Member, AIS Region 3, Lecturer, UNSW Business School, Sydney